Submitted by Name: Robert Reed From: Sawbridgeworth E-mail: Contact
Comments: Reeds removals, this brings back memory`s , my granddad Walter Reed started that in Kensington then moved to Sawbridgeworth when he passed on my dad Ronald Reed run it for a while also with Reeds furnishings on London Road. (now a bike shop) there was a farrier next door (Duffy) so I had horses in the next garden ,sheep etc, great when your 5 or 6 . Dad built a bungalow out back that had a drive into West Road, I still remember my little friends back then, before we moved away to Kent. Does anyone remember Forward & barnard & Manderville, 68 to 72?
Added: November 12, 2013
Submitted by Name: mike hodgkins From: chesterfield E-mail: Contact
Comments: another trip down memeory lane, it would be good to have more of the old hands from Sawbo contribute to this excellent site and unload some of their memories
Added: November 23, 2012
Submitted by Name: mike hodgkins From: chesterfield E-mail: Contact
Comments: I remember clearly being required to deliver the appliance which had been picked up from workshops in Hatfield, and delivering it to Sawbridgeworth. Reversing into the bay alone was a nightmare for me a young reletivly inexperienced HGV driver if I rememebr rightly the chap in the shop next door took pity on me and watched me in. they dont build stations like that anymore, good memories. excellent website.
Added: September 11, 2012
Submitted by Name: Mervyn Turner From: Great Clacton Essex E-mail: Contact
Comments: I am trying to find out about my Father Norman Turner who served with the AFS during the war.He served with them in Bishops Stortford.He drove his own car with a pump and a three man crew.
Added: September 25, 2010
Submitted by Name: Douglas Edwards From: Claygate E-mail: Contact
Comments: Currently writing history of Hoole Volunteer Fire Brigade (now part of Chester) and through research found your excellent site. Amazing site and tremendous work to retain the history for future generations.
Added: August 21, 2010
Submitted by Name: Sandra Reed From: Bishops Stortford E-mail: Contact
Comments: I and my mother (nee Marjorie White)looked at the website yesterday and it brought back alot of memories for her. Both her Father and Uncle (Sidney and Bill White) were in the Fire Bridage in Sawbridgeworth and she new a lot of other faces as well.
Added: June 1, 2010
Submitted by Name: Karen Nunn From: Harlow E-mail: Contact
Comments: What a wonderful web sight, full of information that would otherwise be lost. Thank you.
Added: April 14, 2010
Submitted by Name: Martin From: Bavaria
Comments: hey, you have a very nice page with a lot of information for a fireman. it would be very nice if you follow our homepage in bavaria.
Added: April 4, 2010
Submitted by Name: David Stacey From: Norfolk E-mail: Contact
Comments: So pleased to be told of this website and to discover part of my family history - my great grandfather, Walter Stacey was Second Officer with the Bridgade. It was astonishing to view a photograph of his funeral procession along the old A11 in Sawbridgewoth, passing close to White's Garage.
Added: March 21, 2010
Submitted by Name: Richard Dyer From: Sawbridgeworth E-mail: Contact
Comments: I now live in Spain but grew up in Sawbo in the late 50's and 60's. I had a Jewellers Shop in London Road in the late 80's for some years. Sawbo holds many memories for me. Keep up the good work. I have many pictures.
Name: Robert Reed
From: Sawbridgeworth
E-mail: Contact
Reeds removals, this brings back memory`s , my granddad Walter Reed started that in Kensington then moved to Sawbridgeworth when he passed on my dad Ronald Reed run it for a while also with Reeds furnishings on London Road. (now a bike shop) there was a farrier next door (Duffy) so I had horses in the next garden ,sheep etc, great when your 5 or 6 . Dad built a bungalow out back that had a drive into West Road, I still remember my little friends back then, before we moved away to Kent. Does anyone remember Forward & barnard & Manderville, 68 to 72?